Annual Book Prize Winners:
Since 2010, the CHS has awarded book prizes to the top students in the 2nd and 3rd Years and BTech classes in the Horticultural Department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

SANBI bus trips:
In 2017 the first 3 busloads of Grade 4 schoolchildren from Nal’Uxolo Primary School were sponsored to spend a morning at Goldfields Education Centre in Kirstenbosch. This year about 150 Grade 1 learners from Samora Machel Primary School were given the opportunity to visit Kirstenbosch.

Arderne Garden:
In 2003, as a Centenary project, the Society decided to sponsor the labelling of all the trees in the Arderne Garden in Claremont. The majority of these trees now have new labels, but this is an ongoing project as a number of trees have yet to be identified. Members of the CHS were instrumental in setting up the Friends of the Arderne Gardens (FOTAG).

Harold Porter National Botanical Garden:
After a devastating flood which wiped out the parking area gardens, money was donated to HPNBG to have the “island” beds in the parking area restored.

Hands-on support:
Abalimi Bezekhaya, Vera School and Sea Winds Community Centre have been supplied with plants and compost to get their gardens and vegetable patches going; donations of air plants were made to students at CPUT for a project; an educational display was set up at a fun walk organised by Radio 786.