What’s new in May?

Pick of the Month

Hibiscus diversifolius “Black-Eyed Susan Hibiscus”: 3-4 m shrub, often scrambling and prefers damp conditions; seen in the Wilderness area

CHS Chatter


Ikhaya, meaning “home” in Zulu, is inspired by South African farm living and incorporates dust, rust, and greenery into a contemporary living environment. The garden is predominantly planted with vegetables and edible plants, so the outdoor space not only provides an area in which to relax and unwind, but functions as a fresh, open air pantry! The garden allows you to go back to picking what you eat and connecting with nature, whilst having your feet firmly on the ground in a relaxing yet inspirational atmosphere which appeals to taste, touch, and smell. ...

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Plants in Season

Pop back next month to see what members have been growing in their suburban gardens.