The Cape Horticultural Society encourages experienced and amateur gardeners to meet like-minded people who want to share knowledge, and to promote biodiversity, where plants flourish and the balance of nature exists.

What’s flowering this January?

Hamelia patens

Pick of the Month

Arpad’s drought resistant shrub – Hamelia patens (below left). He says: “I have not watered it since we have had the water restrictions. It may be difficult to find at nurseries and it is rather difficult to propagate, but it is worth the trouble. It must be cut back really hard in September and it will never fail to shoot and flower. It has small black berries. The insects also like it.

CHS Chatter


Jean reports that “Jenny was surprised when I brought in an Amaryllis belladonna "March Lily" to our Feb meeting last year [2019]. She thought it too early. Well, I have 3, ready to flower already. They came up under a mesh cage I had put over the empty area with quite a few big pots of cuttings on top, and were bent, one into a snake like a u-bend.  After moving everything, they are straight and beautiful.  They will probably be well over by the next (February) meeting, unless more arrive. ...

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Plants in Season

Pop back next month to see what members have been growing in their suburban gardens.