Adenium obesum hybrid
Pick of the Month
Sue's Adenium obesum hybrid can be grown in high light indoors; no winter water. says: Adenium obesum is native to the Sahel regions, south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan) and tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and Arabia.
CHS Chatter
The Western Leopard Toad is one of the most endangered of the Western Cape toads and, a such, deserves protection. Their habitat is in the fynbos, where they forage happily, eating insects etc. They are dry land creatures, only going down to wetlands to breed for a few days of the year. Encroaching developments and a bigger network of roads are spelling great danger for them.
Research is currently being undertaken to find out more about these engaging toads. We think it takes 3 – 5 years for them to mature, so they have to survive some years before then. At breeding time – usually around the first warm week in August – the breeding adults migrate to the wetlands to breed. Wetlands can then sound as if a Harley Davidson rally is in progress, as they make a very loud “purring” noise.
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