The Cape Horticultural Society encourages experienced and amateur gardeners to meet like-minded people who want to share knowledge, and to promote biodiversity, where plants flourish and the balance of nature exists.

What’s new in May – Lockdown month 2?

Nerine sarniensis

Pick of the Month

The lockdown continued and members still had time to enjoy their gardens.

Another favourite was the indigenous species, Nerine, which comes in all colours.

In the newsletter, CHS News - 2020-05, you can see these and many other plants flowering at this time.

CHS Chatter


Andrea said: "This is our resident owl resting on our patio fence. They have shared  their fledglings with us,
showing them how to bathe in our shallow bird bath! ..."

To read on, join the Society for the full monthly newsletter.

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Plants in Season

Pop back next month to see what members have been growing in their suburban gardens.